so thanks to everyone for all the letters these last two weeks. mom and dad you've helped me a ton and i know that i can always look to you for counsel and guidance. and for anyone else just a quick little thing that if you need help use you parents...or family. there is no doubt in my mind that God gave us families for that reason. a support even when the world is falling down over you. i didn't understand that concept b4 the mission and it's something you understand only when you find yourself suffering alone without the help of people who you know that no matter what want the best for you.
so ya, these last couple of weeks haven't been the easiest for me but I'm getting by. I'm still trying to adjust to the changes of the missions and now being a leader and all sorts of fun stuff. slowly but surely progressing.
in any case my area is good. fortaleza is getting stronger. we have been working with the members to give us more time and ref. and they have done that this week. we went from 3 ref the last week to 11 this week. it's been a good help and something we really needed because we have had few people to teach since i got here. most of the people we find have heard the missionaries b4 and are eternal investigators. but we have two people with fecha for this week. this sat. they are jhoselin and ariel zarate. two young kids who live with the president of relief society. we are trying to teach their parents but we can never seem to find them in their house. figures. but in any case they are very cool kids and it would make only their parents in that house nonmembers.
in terms of weather and food. hot and meat with rice and potatoes. not too much variety in Bolivia. in Peru is was chicken and rice, here its carne and rice. i don't know what it is about rice in south America, but it's gotten to the point where if my future wife ever cooks rice more than once a month i'll ask for a divorce.
so this week we had our zone conference and that was really great. the pres is such a motivational speaker. very well said

so not too much else to go on about. things here in santa cruz are normal. I'm sorry i don't send to many fotos, i'll try to get better.
bye to everyone and thanks agina....
peace out
and mom for the weekly letter in the blog can you put a big smiley face and tell everyone that I'm smiling always... thank you